You hit the nail on the head here. The value proposition is the critical first step in getting people to subscribe. Another important point that ties in with value proposition is the CTA. You can usually tell whether someone understands what they're offering from how they ask you to subscribe. Are they begging (i.e. please subscribe to help me out) or are they making you an offer (i.e. subscribe now to get x y or z)

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ooo Yes! I actually haven't thought much about CTA's much for social media marketing. I'll have to think!

Curious if you could point to any good/bad examples of this or things to read up on! Would love to have an issue about this next time.

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I saw that Reddit post too. You are correct that we should know who we are writing for and what we want to accomplish.

I am writing for people like you, Krager (if that's your real name:)), and the value I add is answering the number one question Substack writers have. How to get more subscribers?

Unfortunately the answer involves some work on their behalf. Not digging ditches hard work, but some mental and copy paste stuff. I could drop a link to one of my articles here, but I'm sure your readers are smart enough to find me if they want. Good luck with your software!

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Thanks for the article. I think that tweet shelf life is less than 3 hours, but I get your meaning. Sometimes I see something I'd like to respond to, but then I notice it was posted last night and I don't bother. It's already in the annals of ancient history.

On another note, I'll be experimenting with my value proposition. Good ideas here.

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Glad you enjoyed the article Victor and I really do help it can steer you in the right direction. Let me know if you'd like to chat more! Happy to hop on a call and brainstorm ideas.

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This was so insightful. I knew I had to tackle Reddit, but having gone on it a few years ago and not knowing where to look, or where to go, I felt intimidated and just backed away from it. Now that I have to look at it again, I'm telling myself to be more analytical. This is a great eye opener. And I'll be picking your brain until I figure things out!

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Of course! Would love to chat and see how i can help: matthew@newslettertosocials.com

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Great post. Really helpful information. thanks

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Super useful

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Compounding growth on Substack would mean two things a) leveraging Substack Network and b) doing what works in creating a lead funnel.

It's about real demand for your topic, niche and your ability to diversify leads from elsewhere at scale.

A lot of other factors don't actually matter.

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